
Your Key Difference

I believe we all want to make a difference in life.

Is your business designed to have you make that difference with each and every client?

Butch and Coey

At the core of building a business is a big why -

"why do you do what you do?"

"People don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it."   Simon Sinek
There's the vision board why - the results you're out to produce - financial security, vacations, cars, or whatever inspires you.

And then there's the why to make a difference - the impact you and your business have on the people who choose to work with you.

As we learn from Simon Sinek - "people don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it." And when that why is focused on making a difference - the difference you are called to make in life - you can't fail.

I believe each one of us is compelled to make a unique difference and when that difference gets made, you're lit up, inspired and fulfilled.

Your Key Difference is the experience you leave people with when they work with you.

“When people work with me they experience freedom and power in fulfilling their dreams”

That’s my Key Difference.

My coaching business is called "Draw a Door®" because when you feel trapped – for whatever reason – you can Draw A Door® simply by activating your Key Difference - what you can reliably be counted on to create for your clients --- and yourself!!

Your Key Difference:
  • lights you up, and lets you sleep knowing you made a difference today
  • energizes you and directs your actions
  • makes you a better person and a magnet to like minded people
  • is your magic power

I gave this talk in November 2020 about living true to your calling. Your Key Difference™ is your calling, your raison d'etre, your dharma. (I've lost a lot of weight since this video was recorded :)

Sign up for your Free Key Difference Consultation

I'm so committed to people experiencing freedom and power and having their businesses thrive, I am offering a free Key Difference consultation. I only schedule these out three days so if the times are full, please come back tomorrow. Thank you!

Schedule your free consultation here